
Using a combination of gel filtration and anion exchange FPLC, three different RNA polymerase holoenzymes from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) have been separated. Each holoenzyme transcribes from only one of the four promoters of the S. coelicolor A3(2) dagA gene. Holoenzyme reconstitution experiments identified the sigma factors responsible for recognition of two of the promoters. The previously identified Eσ 49 transcribes from the dagA p3 promoter, whereas a novel species, Eσ 28, recognizes the dagA p2 promoter. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the third holoenzyme, which transcribes from the dagA p4 promoter, is the previously identified Eσ 35. This level of transcriptional complexity supports the idea that RNA polymerase heterogeneity may play a central role in the regulation and coordination of gene expression in this biochemically and morphologically complex bacterium.

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