
Many modern families face problems that hinder optimum functioning as a family or make it even impossible. Numerous overlapping adverse phenomena, including, but not limited to, unemployment, poverty, helplessness as regards childcare and upbringing matters, addictions, family violence, chronic illness or disability are reflected in prob-lems within a family. The foregoing calls for a greater support provided by social services to the multiproblem families.One of the new forms of helping the multiproblem families is family assis-tantship that was introduced under the Act of 9 June 2011 concerning family sup-port and alternative care systems. Fam-ily assistant is responsible for carrying out individualized, in-depth work with a family experiencing difficulties in fulfilling the childcare and upbringing func-tions and is responsible for supporting them during the process of change. Pro-fessional support provided by a family assistant gives a chance to many fami-lies to overcome difficulties and prevents placement of children under alternative care.

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