
Most applications of underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) rely on accurate location information of targets. However, the asynchronous clock, stratification effect, and strong-noise characteristics of underwater environment make target localization more challenging as compared with terrestrial sensor networks. This paper focuses on an asynchronous localization issue for underwater targets, subjected to the isogradient sound speed and noise measurements. A network architecture including surface buoys, sensors, and the target is first designed, where the clocks on sensors and the target are not required to be synchronized. To eliminate the effect of asynchronous clocks, we establish the relationship between the propagation delay and the position. Particularly, the ray tracing approach is adopted to model the stratification effect. Then, a localization optimization problem is formulated to minimize the sum of all measurement errors. To solve the localization optimization problem, a consensus-based unscented Kalman filtering (UKF) localization algorithm is proposed, where the convergence conditions and Cramér-Rao lower bounds are also given. Finally, simulation results reveal that the proposed localization approach can reduce the localization time by comparing with the exhaustive search method. Meanwhile, the consensus-based UKF localization algorithm can improve localization accuracy as compared with other works.

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