
A personal assistant always provides us with a daily schedule, remembers all the events and intimates us at right time. Most of the times, our routine jobs are forgotten and user may get to know new information about our most obsessed things later only. Not everyone could afford a personal assistant to help with the daily activities or help the executive in remembering him/her about the activities. Due to heavy industrious works, a human mind naturally tend lose its integrity to forget most important tasks which may lead in missing flight timings or losing a relationship or even millions of amount. People most of the time tend to know the newer updates or information about the things they have been searching for only when they go looking for it again or when they see in others post. The proposed personal assistant system called Naturally Artificial Sanguine and Tangled Youngster (N.A.S.T.Y) does not violate any of the privacy issues and helps the user to remember their search topics and mobile applications usage statistics. The system has asynchronous method run continuously in the cloud server and finds the user’s recent favourites and activities and stores that in separate PostgreSQL database table. To find the activities and favourites of the user, an android application is developed using Android Studio which gathers the usage statistics of the user’s phone. The user wants to search any content over the web the proposed system helps to do it efficiently. The summarized text is shown as output in user mobile phone

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