
The majority of published modeling work regarding the impact of mixing patterns among subgroups on the spread of HIV infection assumes either that the overall population size remains constant, the aggregate immigration to the population occurs at a constant annual rate, or that no immigration occurs and the population in question declines due to HIV or other causes. In this paper, immigration rates are modeled as simple functions of population size and may be interpreted as aggregate birth rates. This assumption implies asymptotic exponential growth in the disease-free population as long as per capita birth rates exceed per capita mortality rates. The introduction of HIV infection to such a population may change this situation, and the asymptotic population growth rate can be reduced substantially as a result. The specific manner in which this occurs depends in part upon difficult to observe mixing patterns among those with different sexual activity rates. Rather than attempting to explicitly model a variety of mixing patterns, a bound on the impact of worst-case mixing is produced, where “worst case” refers to the mixing pattern that maximizes the asymptotic prevalence of infection, which is equivalent to minimizing the asymptotic population growth rate. These new techniques are illustrated with a numerical example.

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