
This paper uses the method of matched asymptotic expansions to derive asymptotic solutions to various problems in nonlinear acoustics. Model equations, generalizing the well known Burgers equation to include effects of cylindrical or spherical spreading and of non-equilibrium relaxation, are given and regarded as governing the propagation. Solutions are sought for initial or boundary conditions of N-wave or harmonic wave form. For a thermoviscous medium, the small parameter upon which the asymptotic expansions are predicated is an inverse acoustic Reynolds number; for a relaxing medium it is the product of wave frequency and relaxation time. The complete asymptotic solution for N-waves in a thermoviscous fluid is known, in the case of plane motion, from the Cole—Hopf solution of Burgers’s equation. Here a similarly complete solution is found for spherical N-waves, with the exception of one region of space—time in which an irreducible nonlinear problem remains unsolved. In this region the outer limiting behaviour is, nevertheless, determined, so that the solutions in all other regions are completely fixed. For cylindrical N-waves an irreducible problem again results, but the motion can be followed right through into its ‘old age’ phase aside from an undetermined purely numerical constant. Correct results are obtained here for the ‘correction due to diffusivity' to the weak-shock theory prediction of shock centre location for plane, cylindrical and spherical N-waves. These results indicate a non-uniformity in weak shock theory at large times, and also, in the case of spherical N-waves, reveal a large time non-uniformity in the Taylor shock solution. Harmonic waves, plane, cylindrical and spherical, in thermoviscous fluids and relaxing fluids are considered, and the asymptotic solutions are found to leading order in most of the many overlapping asymptotic regions of space-time. A single dimensionless function remains undetermined in the important case of spherical harmonic waves. We have also been unable to find scalings and differential equations describing precisely how a discontinuity is formed at the front of a partly dispersed shock in a relaxing gas, though the shock centre is located for both fully and partly dispersed shocks. The harmonic wave solutions unify and extend certain solutions (the Fay, Fubini and old-age solutions) which are well known in the nonlinear acoustics literature, and the amplitude saturation and scaling laws for the old age regime are in accord with experiments on high amplitude spherical waves in water.

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