
This article deals with the semiparametric errors‐in‐variables (EV) model yi = ξiβ + g(ti) + ϵi, xi = ξi + μi, where yi are the random missing response variables, (ξi, ti) are the design points, ξi are the potential variables observed with measurement errors μi, and random errors ϵi are negatively associated (NA) variables. In addition, we need to estimate the unknown slope parameter β and nonparametric component g(·). In order to solve the missing responses, we introduce three different approaches to get the estimators of β and g(·). Meanwhile, we study the asymptotic properties for all the estimators. The final results show that the strong consistent rates for all the estimators can achieve o(n−1/4). The asymptotic normality for all the estimators is considered. We compare the finite sample performance of the three estimators by simulation as well.


  • Introduction e following semiparametricEV model is considered: yi ξiβ + g ti􏼁 + εi, 􏼨 (1)xi ξi + μi, where yi are the response variables, are design points, ξi are the potential variables observed with measurement errors μi, and Eμi 0 are random errors with Eεi 0. e unknown parameter β(∈ R) needs to be estimated. g(·) is an unknown function defined on a close interval [0, 1], and h(·) is a known function defined on [0, 1] satisfying ξi h ti􏼁 + vi, (2)where vi are design points

  • Xi ξi + μi, where yi are the response variables, are design points, ξi are the potential variables observed with measurement errors μi, and Eμi 0 are random errors with Eεi 0. e unknown parameter β(∈ R) needs to be estimated. g(·) is an unknown function defined on a close interval [0, 1], and h(·) is a known function defined on [0, 1] satisfying ξi h ti􏼁 + vi, (2)

  • For model (1) with responses missing randomly, the most direct way to construct the estimators of β and g(·) is deleting all the missing data

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We list some assumptions, which will be used in the proof of main results as follows. (i) (A0) Let 􏼈εi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n􏼉 be a NA sequence, 􏼈μi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n􏼉 be independent random variables satisfying (i) Eεi 0, Eε2i 1, Eμi 0, andEμ2i Ξ2μ > 0; (ii) supiE|εi|p < ∞, supiE|μi|p < ∞ for some p > 4; (iii) 􏼈εi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n􏼉, 􏼈μi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n􏼉 are independent of each other. J n) be weight functions defined on [0, 1] and satisfy (i) max1≤j≤n 􏽐ni 1 δjWcnj(ti) O(1); (ii) supt 􏽐nj 1 δjWcnj(t)I(|t − tj| > a · n− 1/4). Where Fji denotes the σ-algebra generated by 􏼈Xt, i ≤ t ≤ j􏼉, and L2(Fji ) consists of Fji -measurable random variables with the finite second moment. E sequence 􏼈Xi􏼉 is said to be α-mixing or strong mixing if α(n) ⟶ 0, as n ⟶ ∞

Construction of Estimators
Strong Consistency of Estimators
Asymptotic Normality of Estimators
Simulation Study
Simulation Study of Asymptotic Normality
Preliminary Lemmas
Proof of Main Results
Proof of Asymptotic Normality
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