
In [9] and [10] P. Kolaitis and M. Vardi proved that the 0-1 law holds for the second-order existential sentences whose first-order parts are formulas of Bernays-Schonfinkel or Ackermann prefix classes. They also provided several examples of second-order formulas for which the 0-1 law does not hold, and noticed that the classification of second-order sentences for which the 0-1 law holds resembles the classification of decidable cases of first-order prenex sentences. The only cases they have not settled are the cases of Gödel classes with and without equality.In this paper we confirm the conjecture of Kolaitis and Vardi that the 0-1 law does not hold for the existential second-order sentences whose first-order part is in Gödel prenex form with equality. The proof we give is based on a modification of the example employed by W. Goldfarb [5] in his proof that, contrary to the Gödel claim [6], the class of Gödel prenex formulas with equality is undecidable.

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