
A generic way to verify asymptotic optimality of semi-open-loop policies for a wide class of MDPs with large lead times. In many real-life inventory models, order lead times can result in uncertain effects of inventory decisions. However, as the lead time grows large, one would naturally postulate that the effect of the delayed order depends weakly on the current inventory level and, thus, intuit that decoupling the delayed order with the current inventory level may provide good heuristics. Motivated by these examples, in “Asymptotic Optimality of Semi-open-Loop Policies in Markov Decision Processes with Large Lead Times,” Bai et al. consider a generic Markov decision process (MDP) with one delayed control and one immediate control. For MDPs defined on general spaces with uniformly bounded cost functions and a fast mixing property, they construct a periodic semi-open-loop policy for each lead time value and show that these policies are asymptotically optimal as the lead time goes to infinity. For MDPs defined on Euclidean spaces with linear dynamics and convex structures, they impose another set of conditions under which constant delayed-control policies are asymptotically optimal.

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