
The collision-induced (CI) dipole moment, CI polarizability, and CI hyperpolarizability are considered for three H(2)-rare gas (Rg) pairs (Rg = He, Ne, Ar). In this study, the symmetry-adapted (SA) components, the projection of the CI dipole, polarizability, and hyperpolarizability on an appropriately tailored set of spherical harmonics are calculated. A set of equations for the respective SA components is derived. The Cartesian components of the CI properties calculated by quantum chemistry methods for three intermolecular geometries are used in our calculations as input data. The analytical, multipolar long-range behavior of the CI properties studied is considered within a multipole-induced multipole model. Taking the SA components at large distances, the ab initio SA numerical results and the model semianalytical data were compared. In general, a good agreement has been found. The results of our study are expected to be of value in spectral line shape analysis and in modeling of processes in the Earth's and planetary atmospheres.

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