
We present dust yields for asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and super--asymptotic giant branch (SAGB) stars of solar metallicity. Stars with initial mass $1.5~M_{\odot} \leq M_{\rm ini} \leq 3~M_{\odot}$ reach the carbon star stage during the AGB phase and produce mainly solid carbon and SiC. The size and the amount of the carbon particles formed follows a positive trend with themass of the star; the carbon grains with the largest size ($a_{\rm C} \sim 0.2\mu$m) are produced by AGB stars with $M_{\rm ini} = 2.5-3~M_{\odot}$, as these stars are those achieving the largest enrichment of carbon in the surface regions. The size of SiC grains, being sensitive to the surface silicon abundance, keeps around $a_{\rm SiC} \sim 0.1\mu$m. The mass of carbonaceous dust formed is in the range $10^{-4} - 5\times 10^{-3}~M_{\odot}$, whereas the amount of SiC produced is $2\times 10^{-4} - 10^{-3}~M_{\odot}$. Massive AGB/SAGB stars with $M_{\rm ini} > 3~M_{\odot}$ experience HBB, that inhibits formation of carbon stars. The most relevant dust species formed in these stars are silicates and alumina dust, with grain sizes in the range $0.1\mu m < a_{\rm ol} < 0.15\mu$m and $a_{\rm Al_2O_3} \sim 0.07\mu$m, respectively. The mass of silicates produced spans the interval $3.4\times 10^{-3}~M_{\odot} \leq M_{\rm dust} \leq 1.1\times 10^{-2}~M_{\odot}$ and increases with the initial mass of the star.

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