
We prove an asymptotic energy equipartition result for abstract damped wave equations of the form utt + 2F (S)ut + S 2 u = 0, where S is a strictly positive self-adjoint operator and the damping operator F (S) is small. This means that under certain assumptions, the ratio of suitably modified kinetic and potential energies, K(t)/ P (t), tends to 1 as t →∞ for all nonzero solutions u(t) of the equation. Here, K(t )a nd P (t) are conveniently weighted versions of the usual kinetic and potential energies of the associated undamped equation. Previous results, concerning the undamped case and the scalar-damped one, are particular cases. We propose an extension of the concepts of hyperbolicity and unitarity that allows one to consider the equipartition property in a more general setting. Some examples involving PDEs, as well as pseudo-differential equations, are given.

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