
Motivated by the desire to relate Bethe ansatz equations for anomalous dimensions found on the gauge theory side of the AdS/CFT correspondence to superstring theory on AdS_5 x S5 we explore a connection between the asymptotic S-matrix that enters the Bethe ansatz and an effective two-dimensional quantum field theory. The latter generalizes the standard ``non-relativistic'' Landau-Lifshitz (LL) model describing low-energy modes of ferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain and should be related to a limit of superstring effective action. We find the exact form of the quartic interaction terms in the generalized LL type action whose quantum S-matrix matches the low-energy limit of the asymptotic S-matrix of the spin chain of Beisert, Dippel and Staudacher (BDS). This generalises to all orders in the `t Hooft coupling an earlier computation of Klose and Zarembo of the S-matrix of the standard LL model. We also consider a generalization to the case when the spin chain S-matrix contains an extra ``string'' phase and determine the exact form of the LL 4-vertex corresponding to the low-energy limit of the ansatz of Arutyunov, Frolov and Staudacher (AFS). We explain the relation between the resulting ``non-relativistic'' non-local action and the second-derivative string sigma model. We comment on modifications introduced by strong-coupling corrections to the AFS phase. We mostly discuss the SU(2) sector but also present generalizations to the SL(2) and SU(1|1) sectors, confirming universality of the dressing phase contribution by matching the low-energy limit of the AFS-type spin chain S-matrix with tree-level string-theory S-matrix.

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