
The first goal of this paper is to provide an asymptotic derivation and justification of the model studied in [Asymptotic analysis of a periodic flow in a thin channel with visco-elastic wall, J. Math. Pures Appl.85 (2006) 558–579]. We consider the coupled system "viscous fluid flow–thin elastic plate" when the thickness of the plate, ε, tends to zero, while the density and the Young's modulus of the plate material are of order ε-1 and ε-3, respectively. The plate lies on the fluid which occupies a thick domain. The complete asymptotic expansion is constructed when ε tends to zero and it is proved that the leading term of the expansion satisfies the equations of [Asymptotic analysis of a periodic flow in a thin channel with visco-elastic wall, J. Math. Pures Appl.85 (2006) 558–579]. The second goal is the partial asymptotic decomposition formulation of the original problem when a part of the plate is described by a one-dimensional (1D) model while the other part is simulated by the two-dimensional (2D) elasticity equations. The appropriate junction conditions based on the previous asymptotic analysis are proposed at the interface point between the 1D and 2D equations. The error of the method is evaluated.

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