
We studied swimming of goldfish fries about 3 cm long in a narrow channel by calculating the numbers of spontaneous turns on different sides. The ratio of fishes preferring to turn to the right vs to the left was 1.5:1.0, respectively; two-thirds of the fishes demonstrated an ambilateral behavior. Experiments with compulsory 10-min-long rotation of the fishes (clockwise around the longitudinal body axis for fishes preferring right-side turns and anticlockwise for fishes preferring left-side turns) showed that the behavioral asymmetry smoothed somewhat after such a procedure, and a greater number of the fishes became ambilateral in their preference to turn to one side or another. After a one- or two-day-long test, the initial asymmetry of motor behavior completely recovered. Compulsory rotation of similar fishes in the opposite direction exerted no influence on the asymmetry in the choice of the turning direction. Adaptation-induced training of the fishes (using fatiguing long-lasting vestibular stimulation) resulted in some smoothing of motor asymmetry but did not change its general pattern. Thus, our findings allow us to believe that a noticeable proportion of the goldfish individuals (similarly to other animals and humans) is characterized by an innate asymmetry of the motor function with a clear preference for either right- or left-side turnings. These relations can be smoothed under experimental influences but are recovered later on, i.e., they are stable and are not fundamentally transformed. We assume that the asymmetry of motor behavior of fishes in a narrow channel can be an adequate pre-requisite for further examination of the asymmetry of the brain and motor centers controlling changes in locomotion (body turnings)

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