
The role of impurity radiation in influencing the toroidal flow and radial electric fields (parameters critical for determining turbulent transport) has been studied on the edge of a tokamak plasma. It is demonstrated for the first time that the impurities distributed in an asymmetric (poloidally) manner may lead to significant density and temperature perturbations on magnetic surfaces. These, in turn, interact with the θ dependent toroidal field variations and yield a mean divergence of the stress tensor driving strong neoclassical toroidal flows. A self-consistent theory of interplay of equilibrium, fluctuations, neoclassical flows, and E⃗×B⃗ shear rotation in a tokamak is also presented. It is shown that the resulting enhanced toroidal velocity shear on the outer radiative layers produces a stabilizing effect on the well known instabilities (which determine edge transport) such as the drift resistive ballooning mode, the drift trapped electron mode, and the ion temperature gradient mode. For various values of the radiation asymmetry parameter, investigation of the turbulent particle flux as a function of the density gradient shows that the plasma can undergo a bifurcation into a better-confined state with a peaked density.

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