
There is a spectrum of asymmetric assignment problems to which existing results on uniqueness of equilibrium do not apply. Moreover, multiple equilibria may be seen to exist in a number of simple examples of real-life phenomena, including interactions at priority junctions, responsive traffic signals, multiple user classes, and multi-modal choices. In contrast, recent asymptotic results on the stochastic process approach to traffic assignment establish the existence of a unique, stationary, joint probability distribution of flows under mild conditions, that include problems with multiple equilibria. In studying the simple examples mentioned above, this approach is seen to be a powerful tool in suggesting the relative, asymptotic attractiveness of alternative equilibrium solutions. It is seen that the stationary distribution may have multiple peaks, approximated by the stable equilibria, or a unimodal shape in cases where one of the equilibria dominates. It is seen, however, that the convergence to stationarity may be extremely slow. In Monte Carlo simulations of the process, this gives rise to different types of pseudo-stable behaviour (flows varying in an apparently stable manner, with a mean close to one of the equilibria) for a given problem, and this may prevail for long periods. The starting conditions and random number seed are seen to affect the type of pseudo-stable behaviour over long, but finite, time horizons. The frequency of transitions between these types of behaviour (equivalently, the average sojourn in a locally attractive, pseudo-stable set of states) is seen to be affected by behavioural parameters of the model. Recommendations are given for the application of stochastic process models, in the light of these issues.

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