
In “Asymmetric Multidepot Vehicle Routing Problems: Valid Inequalities and a Branch-and-Cut Algorithm,” Uit het Broek, Schrotenboer, Jargalsaikhan, Roodbergen, and Coelho present a generic branch-and-cut framework to solve routing problems with multiple depots on directed graphs. They present new valid inequalities that eliminate subtours, enforce tours to be linked to the same depot, and enforce bounds on the number of customers in a vehicle tour. This is embedded in a branch-and-cut scheme that also contains generalized and adapted versions of valid inequalities that are well known for related routing problems. The authors show that the new inequalities tighten root node relaxations considerably. In combination with a simple but effective upper-bound procedure, only requiring a MIP solver and a smart reduction of the problem size, the authors show that the overall framework solves instances of considerably larger size to optimality than have been reported in the literature.

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