
-Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis are two blue mussel species that coexist in western Europe. Previously, we reported that M. galloprovincialis populations contain female and male haplotypes that are fixed in M. edulis populations as well as unique haplotypes. This study assesses whether paraphyly for these species is due to introgression or incomplete lineage extinction. The lineage extinction hypothesis predicts that the shared mtDNA haplotypes in M. galloprovincialis will be significantly diverged from those in M. edulis and form distinct sequence clades. In contrast, the introgression hypothesis proposes that M. edulis haplotypes have only recently been introduced into M. galloprovincialis through hybridization with relatively little divergence accumulating between the shared RFLP haplotypes. We examined 80 mtl6S gene sequences for both the maternal and paternal mtDNA lineages from mussels sampled from various European populations and found strong support for the introgression hypothesis. In addition, we found that M. edulis mtDNA haplotypes appear to be introgressing into mussel populations in the Baltic Sea, which have predominantly M. trossulus nuclear genotypes, indicating that introgressive hybridization is prevalent among European mussel populations.

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