
The asymmetric Higgs sector of one $SU(2{)}_{L}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}SU(2{)}_{R}$ bidoublet $({\ensuremath{\phi}}_{1}^{0},{\ensuremath{\phi}}_{1}^{\ensuremath{-}};{\ensuremath{\phi}}_{2}^{+},{\ensuremath{\phi}}_{2}^{0})$ and one $SU(2{)}_{R}$ doublet [but no $SU(2{)}_{L}$ doublet] is considered in a nonsupersymmetric left-right extension of the standard model of particle interactions. The inverse seesaw mechanism for neutrino mass is naturally implemented with the addition of fermion singlets, allowing thereby the possibility of breaking $SU(2{)}_{R}$ at the TeV scale. Flavor-changing neutral Higgs couplings to quarks are studied in two scenarios, where the $SU(2{)}_{R}$ charged-current mixing matrix is given either by the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix${V}_{R}={V}_{\mathrm{CKM}}$ (scenario I) or ${V}_{R}=1$ (scenario II). We consider the bounds on these scalar particle masses from $K\ensuremath{-}\overline{K}$ and $B\ensuremath{-}\overline{B}$ mixing, as well as $b\ensuremath{\rightarrow}s\ensuremath{\gamma}$. We find that, whereas in scenario I, they are of order 10 TeV, as in other left-right models, they may be well below 1 TeV in scenario II, thus allowing them to be within reach of detection at the forthcoming Large Hadron Collider.

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