
Most RGB-D salient object detection (SOD) models use the same network to process RGB images and their corresponding depth maps. Subsequently, these models perform direct concatenation and summation at deep or shallow layers. However, these models ignore the complementarity of multi-level features extracted from RGB images and depth maps. This paper presents an asymmetric deeply fused network (ADFNet) for RGB-D SOD. Two different backbone networks, i.e., ResNet-50 and VGG-16, are utilized to process RGB images and related depth maps. We use an aggregation decoder and adaptive attention transformer module (AATM) to avoid information loss in the decoding process. Additionally, we use an attention early fusion module (AEFM) and deep fusion module (DFM) to deal with the deep features in various complex situations. Experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed ADFNet, which outperforms thirteen recent RGB-D SOD models in the analysis of five public RGB-D SOD datasets.

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