
We investigate the emergence of chimera and cluster states possessing asymmetric dynamics in globally coupled systems, where the trajectories of oscillators belonging to different subpopulations exhibit different dynamical properties. In an asymmetric chimera state, the trajectory of an element in the synchronized subset is stationary or periodic, while that of an oscillator in the desynchronized subset is chaotic. In an asymmetric cluster state, the periods of the trajectories of elements belonging to different clusters are different. We consider a network of globally coupled chaotic maps as a simple model for the occurrence of such asymmetric states in spatiotemporal systems. We employ the analogy between a single map subject to a constant drive and the effective local dynamics in the globally coupled map system to elucidate the mechanisms for the emergence of asymmetric chimera and cluster states in the latter system. By obtaining the dynamical responses of the driven map, we establish a condition for the equivalence of the dynamics of the driven map and that of the system of globally coupled maps. This condition is applied to predict parameter values and subset partitions for the formation of asymmetric cluster and chimera states in the globally coupled system.

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