
Abstract In this article, we investigate asymmetry in nominal and real housing price series from eleven emerging and twenty advanced economies using the nonparametric Triples test (Randles et al., 1980), which allows identification of different types of asymmetries in economic cycles. We find asymmetry in fewer emerging than advanced economies. In more than half of the latter, nominal prices reach peaks faster than troughs (positive steepness asymmetry), suggesting the presence of downward nominal rigidities. Nominal price asymmetry is found only in slightly over a quarter of the emerging economies. Hence, nominal housing price increases are more likely to be followed by symmetric price falls in emerging than in advanced countries. Regarding real housing prices, peaks are higher than troughs (positive deepness asymmetry) in half of the advanced economies, suggesting the presence of price overshooting during booms, but less undershooting during busts. Weaker evidence of similar asymmetry is found in emergi...

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