
Pneumonia is the fifth leading cause of death in the elderly. If sputum is not expelled, it can lead to the accumulation of secretions in the airway and lungs, potentially obstructing smaller airways and causing insufficient ventilation, resulting in respiratory disturbances. Therefore, the immediate action required is the mobilization of sputum through effective coughing. The role of nurses in providing care for pneumonia patients includes promotive efforts, which involve motivating clients to engage in regular physical exercise, maintaining a proper diet, avoiding smoke exposure, and taking steps to stay healthy. Pneumonia patients are recommended to perform a 6-minute walking exercise, a simple walking exercise lasting for 6 minutes. The research objective is to implement the 6-minute walking exercise for pneumonia patients. The research methodology employs a case study approach where the researcher explores nursing care for pneumonia patients experiencing ineffective airways, ranging from assessment to nursing evaluation. The research findings indicate that the 6-minute walking exercise is effective in addressing issues related to ineffective airways in pneumonia patients.

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