
Our research has been looking for astronomical aspects in Buginese-Makassarese culture from historical to ethnographical sources. We found from history that astronomy had been used by Buginese - Makassar society long before Islam came to South Sulawesi at early 17th century and had their own first telescope at the time of Gowa's Prime Minister, Karaeng Pattingaloang. Meanwhile from ethnographical source, utilization of astronomy penetrated not only at Islamic calendar and worship time, but also at agriculture, sailing navigation, and weather prediction. Some of our literature were taken from Lontaraq (ancient manuscript) which now the experts are not many and old, especially in the field of astronomy. It was found that Lontaraq was using lunar period to characterize local weather [called: Pananrang]. Therefore, we need to excavate immediately more about this matter before the experts reduced in number.

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