
A Star occulted by Jupiter. Mr. A. Burnet has for some years predicted occultations of stars by the planets. He lately predicted the occultation of the ninth magnitude star B.D. 8°, 2456 by Jupiter, which was visible in the United States on the night April 20–21. A Science Service bulletin of April 29 reports that the phenomenon was observed and photographed at the Yerkes Observatory. The director, Prof. O. Struve, sent copies of the photographs to Science Service. It is stated that they show the approach of the star to the planet; on the last photograph it is nearly in contact with the limb. The four large satellites also appear on the photographs. Planetary occultations of stars are not very common. On one occasion a sixth magnitude star was occulted by Jupiter, and with the large reflector at Melbourne the star remained visible for some distance within the limb of the planet. Stars have also been seen to remain visible when passing behind Saturn's ring.

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