
Astronomical image processing plays a crucial role in extracting valuable information from the vast amount of data collected by modern telescopes and observatories. This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive guide to astronomical image processing techniques in the Linux environment. The chapter begins with an introduction to the significance of image processing in astronomy, highlighting its role in enhancing image quality, removing noise, and revealing hidden details. It further discusses the advantages of using Linux as a platform for astronomical image processing due to its flexibility, open-source nature, and availability of powerful tools and libraries. Next, the chapter delves into the fundamentals of astronomical image processing, covering key concepts such as image calibration, alignment, stacking, and post-processing. It explores various techniques for pre-processing raw astronomical images, including bias, dark, and flat field correction, along with methods for aligning and combining multiple exposures. Subsequently, the chapter provides an in-depth exploration of Linux-based tools and software packages commonly used in astronomical image processing. It covers popular software such as IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility), DS9 (SAO Image DS9), and Astropy, elucidating their functionalities, command-line usage, and integration with Linux. Furthermore, the chapter discusses advanced image processing techniques specific to astronomy, such as image deconvolution, noise reduction, photometric calibration, and astrometry. It highlights the utilization of Linux tools and libraries, including GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), Image Magick, and Open CV, for implementing these techniques. To provide practical insights, the chapter includes illustrative examples, step-by-step tutorials, and code snippets demonstrating the application of Linux-based image processing techniques to real astronomical data. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of scripting and automation using tools like Bash and Python to streamline image processing workflows. This chapter serves as a valuable resource for astronomers, astro photographers, and researchers interested in leveraging the power of Linux for processing astronomical images. It equips readers with a comprehensive understanding of Linux-based tools, techniques, and best practices for extracting and analyzing meaningful information from astronomical imagery.

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