
Early Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation has attracted great attention due to shale gas finding. However, this organic-rich shale formation is yet no robust high-resolution stratigraphic sequence framework. Here the evidence on Milankovitch cycles in three wells drilled through Qiongzhusi (QZS) Formation in Sichuan Basin has been reported. The logging data made it possible to develop a floating timeline calibrated to stable eccentricity cycles of 405-kyr within ~10.92 and ~7.34 Myr intervals in intracratonic rift and low bulge of Sichuan Basin, respectively. In this research, astronomical time scale was anchored to the UPb Zircon age of QZS Formation/Maidiping Formation boundary (526.86 ± 0.16 Ma), developing an absolute timescale for considered intervals extending from 526.86 to 515.94 Ma. Average spectral misfit and correlation coefficient analyses were applied to quantitatively measure the fitting of the witnessed sedimentary cycles to astronomical periods and provide a possible sedimentation rate range. A sedimentary noise model was chosen to detect high-resolution sea-level variations under the control of orbital forcing and variations of sea-level were linked to obliquity modulation cycles of about 1.2 Myr. The orbital obliquity modulation cycles witnessed for early Cambrian QZS Formation (~1.2 Myr) were correlated to eustatic variations of sea level generated based on sedimentary noise model (DYNOT and ρ1). Furthermore, correlations between sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy were discussed, and the third-order sequence boundaries well corresponded to minima ~1.2 Myr orbital obliquity modulation curve and high values of DYNOT. The previous sequences framework was demonstrated to be isochronous and credible.

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