
Astomiopsis magilliana Snider, Yip, & Clark, sp. nov. is newly described from Natal, South Africa. The new species resembles Astomiopsis subulata C. Muell., but differs in having an obliquely long rostrate operculum, ovate perichaetial leaves, and bistratose upper leaf lamina. While examining South African collections iden- tified as Pleuridium nervosum (Hook.) Mitt. from PRE, we discovered a collection from Natal (Smook 1120) that was obviously not that taxon. The col- lection consisted of plants with rather large, trun- cate capsules and obvious orange-brown annuli at the bases of well-developed, obliquely long-rostrate opercula. Microscopic examination of several cap- sules revealed the presence of a functional annulus consisting of two (occasionally one) rows of vesi- culose cells. When a capsule is soaked in water, the operculum tends to break loose from the urn leav- ing most of the annulus attached to the urn mouth. A peristome is absent. These sporophytic features, in conjunction with a Pleuridium-like gametophyte, suggest that these plants belong to the genus Astomiopsis C. Muell. Upon comparing this specimen with all previous species of Astomiopsis described in the most recent monograph of the genus (Snider 1987), we find it to be conspicuously distinct, morphologically, and thus report a new species of Astomiopsis from South Africa.

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