
ABSTRACT Asteromenia gen. nov. (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta) is proposed with a single species, Asteromenia peltata (W. R. Taylor) comb. nov. (basionym: Fauchea peltata W. R. Taylor). Thalli of the proposed new genus are stipitate with dorsiventral, peltate blades that are initially circular in shape but with age become stellate with ligulate arms. Internally, the blades have a polystromatic medulla of large, hyaline cells, grading into a cortex of smaller, pigmented cells. Clusters of translucent cells occur on the dorsal surface of the blade. Tetrasporangia are formed by transformations of intercalary midcortical cells. Mature tetrasporangia have cruciately arranged spores and are densely aggregated in the cortex, mostly on the ventral surface, but occasional tetrasporangia also arise on the dorsal surface. Carpogonial branches are four‐celled and arise on inner cortical cells. Auxiliary cells are borne on auxiliary mother cells attached to supporting cells of the carpogonial branches. Cystocarps are protuberant, with well‐developed, ostiolate pericarps that often have extended, proboscis‐like necks. The new genus differs from the previously described peltate or dorsiventral taxa in the Rhodymeniaceae by its polystromatic medulla (Maripelta and Sciadophycus have a monostromatic medulla), intercalary tetrasporangia formed in an unmodified cortex, and four‐celled carpogonial branches (Halichrysis, as typified by H. depressa (J. Agardh) F. Schmitz, has terminal tetrasporangia in nemathecia and three‐celled carpogonial branches).

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