
Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) SWIR bands are used in identification of alteration zones which have developed during hydrothermal activity. Among the available methods of hyperspectral data analysis, PCA and RBD techniques are found to be useful in delineation of clay alteration and iron oxide zones. ASTER data analysis by PCA and RBD of (B5+B7)/B6 shows delineation of two distinct alteration zones with characteristic mineral assemblages viz. propylitic zone (chlorite, epidote, montmorillonite and calcite) and phyllic zone (illite, kaolinite, white mica and quartz). Iron oxide rich zones (gossans) have been delineated using ASTER band ratio technique (B2/B1). Geochemical dispersion of soil samples shows that Pb and Zn concentration is higher in phyllic and propylitic zones around Sawar and Malpura area respectively. Thus, ASTER data shows the potential in discrimination of metasedimentary rocks and delineation of alteration zones for targeting base metals around Sawar-Malpura area in central Rajasthan.

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