
The FRAILTOOLS project is a prospective observational study conducted in 5 European countries. The study included people aged 75 and older. Each participating center was required to recruit 388 patients, which corresponded to 97 subjects in each clinical setting by center. Recruitment took place in clinical settings (hospital geriatric acute care, geriatric outpatient clinic, primary health care) and in social conditions (nursing homes). The frailty syndrome was assessed among study participants using 7 different scales. The follow-up period was 18 months. In Poland, 268 elderly subjects took part in the study, which constituted 69.1% of planned recruitment. The majority of participants were acute care patients (108 participants). A high percentage of people successfully recruited for the study was seen in nursing homes (83.5% of predicted number). The lowest recruitment came from primary healthcare (53 participants) and geriatric outpatient clinic (26). About a quarter of recruited participants were lost during follow-up period. The poorest results of control visits were observed among patients from geriatric wards and geriatric outpatient clinic. The recruitment process for older people in Poland was satisfactory, mainly in hospitalized and institutionalized patients. The worst enrollment result was observed among outpatients. A detailed analysis of enrollment problems among the older Polish population is necessary to determine the optimal recruitment strategy and retain eligible study participants.

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