
Assortment structure in beech coppice stands was studied in the area of Boljevac. Assortment structure was evaluated according to the articles of the valid standard (JUS). The assortments represented in the assortment structure, based on the stemwood quality are: Logs for matches, sawlogs I II and III classes, mine timber, technical roundwood, pulpwood, wood for excelsior and fuelwood, I and II classes. The results of the analyses show that the value assortment structure (sum of the values of assortments produced from one tree) grows significantly with the increase of tree diameter and this dependence is presented by a degree function. The value percentage of logs for matches, sawlogs of the I and II classes, technical roundwood, mine timber, fuelwood and pulpwood, grows with the increase of the tree diameter. The occurrence of better quality logs (sawlogs) in these stands, in contrast to the beech coppice stand in the area of Crni Vrh results from the more favourable diameter structure. There are no statistically significant differences between the value assortment structure on the established sample plot series within the same locality, consequently the data ere united. Because of the differences in stand age, the data are not unified for the localities, although there are no statistically significant differences between value assortment structure for diameter degrees represented in them. False heart (red heart) is one of very significant defects of beech wood, and its incidence, inter alia, depends on tree age. The low effect of this defect of wood resulted in a significant percentage of logs for matches. Along with the value assortment structure this paper also presents the percentage of assortments depending on tree diameter.


  • Assortment structure in beech coppice stands was studied in the area of Boljevac

  • The results of the analyses show that the value assortment structure grows significantly with the increase of tree diameter and this dependence is presented by a degree function

  • Along with the value assortment structure, this paper presents the percentage of assortments depending on tree diameter

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Циљ рада је да се установи сортиментна структура у изданачким састојинама букве на подручју Бољевца - локалитети Честобродица и Стража. Испитана је зависност вредносне сортиментне структуре и запреминског учешћа сортимената одређених класа од пречника стабла. С обзиром да до сада нису извршена значајнија истраживања сортиментне структуре у шумама Србије, а посебно када се ради о шумама изданачког порекла, намеће се низ питања, између осталих, и утицај старости изданачких састојина на сортиментну структуру. Стога добијени резултати треба да укажу и на правце будућих истраживања ове проблематике

Објекат истраживања
Метод рада
Испитивање зависности вредносне сортиментне структуре од пречника стабла
Испитивање зависности вредносног учешћа сортиментних класа од пречника стабла
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