
We report a patient who, following the partial removal of a tentorial meningioma, suffered a hematoma in the left occipital lobe, which was resected. He showed severe anomia for visually presented stimuli, while naming was normal when they were presented in the tactile, auditory and verbal modality. His performance on visuo-perceptual tests, not requiring meaning identification, provided evidence that he was able to access the stored representations of stimuli. When recognition was assessed with non-verbal tasks, a mixed pattern of findings emerged and the patient showed features of both associative agnosia and optic aphasia. He was severely impaired in producing pantomimes in response to pictures, but only marginally impaired in sorting figures from the same superordinate category into fine-grained subcategories. He performed within the normal range on an associative task, in which the distractors bore no semantic relation to the target, but made many errors when the distractors and the target were semantically related. We propose that the interpretation advanced by Coslett and Saffran (Brain, 1989) for optic aphasia also holds for associative agnosia and argue that both syndromes reflect the impaired access of structured representations to left hemisphere semantics, but differ in terms of the degree of compensation provided by the semantic resources of the right hemisphere. Since the anatomical basis of the two syndromes may be very similar, we submit that what makes the difference is the semantic potential of the patient's right hemisphere.

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