
Studies have found a U-shaped relationship between sleep duration and chronic kidney disease (CKD) risk, but limited research evaluated the association of reallocating excessive sleep to other behavior with CKD. We included 104 538 participants from the nationwide cohort of the Risk Evaluation of Cancers in Chinese Diabetic Individuals: A Longitudinal Study, with self-reported time of daily-life behavior. Using isotemporal substitution models, we found that substituting 1 h of sleeping with sitting, walking, or moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was associated with a lower CKD prevalence. Leisure-time physical activity displacement was associated with a greater prevalence reduction than occupational physical activity in working population. In stratified analysis, a lower CKD prevalence related to substitution toward physical activity was found in long sleepers. More pronounced correlations were observed in long sleepers with diabetes than in those with prediabetes, and they benefited from other behavior substitutions toward a more active way. The U-shaped association between sleep duration and CKD prevalence implied the potential effects of insufficient and excessive sleep on the kidneys, in which the pernicious link with oversleep could be reversed by time reallocation to physical activity. The divergence in the predicted effect on CKD following time reallocation to behavior of different domains and intensities and in subpopulations with diverse metabolic statuses underlined the importance of optimizing sleeping patterns and adjusting integral behavioral composition.

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