
Chronic low-back pain (LBP) is a frequent cause of work absence and disability, and is frequently associated with long-term use of opioids. To describe military readiness-related outcomes at follow-up in soldiers with LBP grouped by the type of early treatment received for their LBP. Treatment groups were based on receipt of opioid or tramadol prescription and receipt of nonpharmacologic treatment modalities (NPT). Design, Subjects, Measures: A retrospective longitudinal analysis of U.S. soldiers with new LBP episodes persisting more than 90 days between October 2012 and September 2014. Early treatment groups were constructed based on utilization of services within 30 days of the first LBP claim. Outcomes were measured 91-365 days after the first LBP claim. Outcomes were constructed to measure five indicators of limitations of military readiness: military duty limitations, pain-related hospitalization, emergency room visit for LBP, pain score of moderate/severe, and prescription for opioid/tramadol. Among soldiers with no opioid receipt in the prior 90 days, there were 30,612 new episodes of LBP, which persisted more than 90 days. Multivariable logistic regression models found that compared to the reference group (no NPT, no opioids/tramadol receipt), soldiers who received early NPT-only had lower likelihoods for military duty limitations, pain-related hospitalization, and opioid/tramadol prescription at follow-up, while soldiers' that started with opioid receipt (at alone or follow-up in conjunction with NPT) exhibited higher likelihoods on many of these negative outcomes. This observational study of soldiers with a new episode of LBP and no opioid receipt in the prior 90 days suggests that early receipt of NPT may be associated with small, significant gains in ability to function as a soldier and reduced reliance on opioid/tramadol medication. While further research is warranted, increased access to NPT at the beginning of LBP episodes should be considered.

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