
This study sought to investigate associations among progressive temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJ OA), airway dimensions, and head and neck posture. In total, 114 temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) patients were enrolled. Among 114 patients, 28 had no pathologic bony changes in the TMJ condyles (TMDnoOA), 45 had progressive TMJ OA (TMJOApro), and 41 demonstrated TMJ OA which had not progressed for 12months (TMJOAnopro). TMJ OA was diagnosed based on the Diagnostic Criteria for TMD axis I. Computed tomography (CT) images and lateral cephalograms were obtained at baseline (T0) and 12months after treatment (T1). The head and neck posture and airway area in upright position were analyzed using lateral cephalograms whereas airway volume in supine position was determined by 3D reconstructed CT images. The volume change of the oropharynx in supine position was more prominent in the TMJOApro than in the TMDnoOA but no significant differences in changes in the pharyngeal airway while in upright position were detected. The retrognathic facial profile became more remarkable at T1 in the TMJOApro and TMJOAnopro compared to those at T0. The forward head posture seemed to be progressed in the TMJOApro than in either the TMJOAnopro or TMDnoOA. Progressive TMJ OA may have associations with retrognathia and decreased oropharyngeal airway volume in the supine position but not in the upright position. Progressive TMJ OA may be related with altered head posture in the upright position to compensate for reduced airway dimensions.

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