
Abstract. 1. Associational resistance theory suggests that the association of herbivore-susceptible plant species with herbivore-resistant plant species can reduce herbivore density on the susceptible plant species. Several casual mechanisms are possible but none has so far invoked natural enemies. Associational resistance mediated by natural enemies was tested for by examining densities of a gall fly, Asphondylia borrichiae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), and levels of parasitism on two closely related seaside plants, Borrichia frutescens and Iva frutescens, when alone and when co-occurring. 2. Both Borrichia and Iva grow alone or together on small offshore islands in Florida. Each host plant species has its own associated race of fly, but both races of fly are attacked by the same four species of parasitoids. Borrichia normally has a higher density of galls than Iva, and galls are larger on Borrichia than on Iva. 3. Gall size, gall abundance, parasitism levels, and parasitoid community composition were quantified on both Borrichia and Iva on islands where each species grew alone or together. Some islands were then manipulated by adding Borrichia to islands supporting only Iva, and by adding Iva to islands supporting only Borrichia. Subsequent gall densities and gall parasitism levels on the original native species were then examined. 4. On both natural and experimentally manipulated islands, gall densities on Iva were significantly lowered by the presence of Borrichia. This is because bigger parasitoid species that were common on Borrichia galls, which are bigger, spilled over and attacked the smaller Iva galls. Thus, parasitism rates on Iva were higher on islands where Borrichia co-occurred than on islands where Borrichia were absent. Most parasitoids from Iva were too small to successfully attack the large Borrichia galls and so gall density on Borrichia was unaffected by the presence of Iva.

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