
The highly hydrophobic complex tris-(4,4′-di-tridecyl-2,2′-bipyridyl)—Ru II associates in rod-like sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) micelles formed at high ionic strength. The associate emits at 670 nm with τ = 300 ns and a quantum yield of about 1% (the monomer emits at 608 nm with τ ≈ 1150 ns and a quantum yield of 5% – 10%). Association is not observed in concentrated homogeneous solutions in organic solvents. Concomitant with the association of the complex an enhancement of light-induced charge separation in the Ru[(C 13H 27) 2bpy] 3 2+—MV 2+—edta—SDS system (bpy ≡ 2,2′-bipyridyl; MV 2+ ≡ methyl viologen; edta ≡ ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is observed in rod-like micelles.

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