
Background-Changing life style in conjunction to unhealthy dietary pattern, mental stress and strain is leading to Ajeerna (indigestion), and further Amlapita (hyperacidity). Aim-To evaluate the association of Viharaja and Manasika Hetus (behavioural and mental factors) with Amlapitta (Hyperacidity) amongst police professionals in Pune. Settings and Design- This cross sectional study was conducted among Police professionals in Pune region. Methods and Material: Study included 100 identified patients of AMLAPITA; both males and females from the age group of 25-50years. A self administered, structured, pilot tested 9 item questionnaire was used to collect data. Statistical Analysis: Descriptive data was analyzed using number and percentages. Results: Maximum patients with Pitta-Vataja Prakruti were n=47, Kapha-Pittaja Prakruti were n = 41 and Kapha VatajaPrakruti were n= 12. 71 (100%) Amlapitta Police Professionals did daily Ratri-jagarana who had night shift and 29 (100%) reported day shifts out of which 21(72.41%) Police Professionals did daily Ratri jagarana yet they had day shift duty. Mental stress was more in Night shift personnel n=52 (73.24%) than stress observed in Day shift participants n=17(58.62%). Conclusion: Present study help us to estimate association of Amlapitta with changed life style pattern. These etiological factors like Viharaj and Manasika hetus namely Ratrijagarana,Vegavidharana, Mental stress cannot be eradicated totally due to current career progression scenario. But definitely alternative therapies like yoga, meditation and diet plans can be suggested and practiced as and when necessary.

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