
At least 19 single recessive gene yellow leaf mutants and one duplicate recessive gene mutant have been described in soybean. This study was conducted to associate a yellow leaf mutant, y10, with a specific soybean chromosome by using primary trisomics (2n = 41). Seven soybean primary trisomics were hybridized as female parent with genetic stock strain, T161, carrying y10. F(1) disomic and primary trisomic plants were identified cytologically. One disomic (control) and all primary trisomic plants were allowed to self-pollinate and F(2) populations were classified for green versus yellow leaf mutant. The F(2) population of Triplo 3 segregated in a 17:1 ratio, while a disomic (3:1) ratio was observed with Triplo 8-, 17-, 18-, and 20-derived F(2) populations, suggesting that the y10 locus is on chromosome 3. The y10 locus was examined with four simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (Satt584, Sat_033, Satt387, and Satt022) from molecular linkage group (MLG) N and y10 was found linked with Satt022. Therefore we confirmed the association of MLG N with chromosome 3. The possible association of y10 with Triplo 16 and Triplo 19 are discussed.

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