
The study of the index (2D) and ring (4D) digits ratios and their association with some physical characteristics of the Ebira tribe of Nigeria was carried out to determine the values of the 2D:4D digit ratios and their association with other anthropometric variables. Six hundred adults between ages of 18 years and above were randomly selected with the exclusion of those with hand deformities. Three hundred males and three hundred females, of which one hundred males and one hundred females were selected from each of the participating areas. The index (2D) and ring (4D) d igit lengths were measured from the basal crease to the tips using a digital tape and the height and weight were measured. The 2D:4D ratios were determined for each subject while the height and weight were used to calculate the body mass index (BMI) and th e data analyzed. The results show significant difference in 2D:4D ratio between the males and the females (P<0.01). Males have longer fourth (4D) and shorter second (2D) digit lengths with lower 2D:4D digit ratios while females have shorter fourth (4D) and longer second (2D) digit lengths with higher digit ratio. The results show a positive correlation between the digit lengths and height, weight, and BMI in both males and females but the 2D:4D digit ratio has no relationship with height, weight or BMI of an individual from the people of the Ebira tribe of Nigeria.

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