
The аim of research – to analyze the dependence of changes in metabolic- hormonalparameters and indicators of mineral metabolism depending on the allelic state of theAGT (rs4762) and GNB3 genes in patients with essential arterial hypertension (EAH).Material and methods. The case-control study involved 100 patients with EAH stageII, 1-3 degrees of blood pressure (BP), high and very high cardiovascular risk. Amongthe patients there were 21% (21) men, 79% (79) women. The mean age of patients was59.86±6.22y.o. The control group consisted of 60 almost healthy individuals, relevantin age (49.13±6.28y.o.) and gender distribution (63% – women, 37% – men). To studyAGT (rs4762) and GNB3 (rs5443) genes polymorphism a qualitative polymerasechain reaction (PCR) was performed in real time. The lipid panel parameters, such as:Total cholesterol (TC), Triglycerides (ТG), Low-density and High-density lipoproteincholesterol (LDL-C, HDL-C) were investigated in the blood plasma, using diagnostickits «Accent 200» (Poland). The atherogenic index (AI) was calculated by the equation:(TC – HDL-C)/ HDL-C. All recruited subjects were tested for serum levels of fastingglucose, ionized calcium, parathyroid (PTH) hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin D.Results. The activity of certain metabolic processes is associated with the allelic state of theAGT (rs4762) and GNB3 (rs5443) genes in patients with EAH: carriers of the T-allele ofthe AGT gene (rs4762) have a glucose level 27.36% higher than that of owners of the CCgenotype (Р СС = 0.032), while KA, on the contrary, is lower 14.41% (Р СС =0.047) witha probable difference in women – 14.90% (Р СС =0.046); the presence of the TT-genotype ofthe GNB3 gene (rs5443) in patients with EAH is associated with hypercholesterolemia: thecontent of cholesterol probably exceeds that of homozygous owners of the wild C-allele 13.95%(Р СС =0.037). Hormonal- messenger indicators of the regulation of mineral metabolismdo not depend on the allelic state of the GNB3 gene (rs5443), while in the owners of theT-allele of the AGT gene (rs4762) a lower level of total metabolites of vitamin D in the blood(at the " deficiency" level) was established – 14, 97% (Р СС =0.002), againsta background of a compensatory increase in PTH concentration – 29.18% (Р СС =0.025).Conclusions.The mutated T-allele of the AGT gene (rs4762) is associated with hyperglycemia,hypovitaminosis D and a compensatory increase in PTH, and the TT-genotype of the GNB3gene (rs5443) is associated with hypercholesterolemia in patients with EAH.

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