
Study Type--Therapy (review) Level of Evidence 4. What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? It is known that overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms correlate weakly with urodynamic findings, especially in female patients. The study shows that OAB symptoms also correlate weakly with urodynamic findings in male patients. More than third of male patients with OAB symptoms had evidence of BOO. The study finds that a pressure flow study is of benefit in the evaluation of this group of patients. • To assess the correlation between overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms with urodynamic (UD) findings in men. • We conducted a retrospective study of all UD studies involving men with OAB symptoms. • All UD studies were carried out at a single centre from 1994 to 2009 and were reported by one urology specialist. • There were 668 UD reports included in the final analysis. All patients had symptoms of urgency with or without urgency incontinence (UI). • There was a weak correlation between OAB symptoms and UD findings. • All storage symptoms, except frequency, correlated with a finding of detrusor overactivity (DO). • Severity of urgency correlated inversely with a finding of bladder outlet obstruction (BOO). • Both nocturia and frequency correlated inversely with maximum cystometric capacity. • More than 75% of patients had concomitant voiding symptoms. Severity of voiding symptoms (slow stream and incomplete emptying) correlated inversely with documentation of DO. Voiding symptoms were predictors of BOO, while severe urgency was a negative predictor for BOO. • There were weak correlations between OAB symptoms and UD findings. Most men with OAB symptoms had concomitant voiding symptoms and more than a third (43%) of these had evidence of BOO. • A pressure flow study is of benefit in the evaluation of patients with OAB symptoms.

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