
SlC11A1 gene is a potential candidate gene related to susceptibility to a wide range of intracellular pathogens. In this research, we used logistic regression analysis in a case-control study to find the relationship between SLC11A1 gene and estimated breeding values of production traits (estimated breeding values of protein and fat yield, and protein and fat percentage) in Holstein dairy cattle in a selective genotyping method. Samples have been genotyped based on clinical mastitis data using PCR-SSCP method, previously. The contrast between heterozygous genotype and both homozygous genotypes showed that despite of significant relationship between clinical mastitis and SLC11A1, there was no negative effect of the gene of interest on production traits. Hence, considering the unfavorable relationship between clinical mastitis and production traits, selection of SLC11A1 gene will have no unfavorable effect on production traits, and it will not disorganize selection breeding programs based on health data.

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