
Background : Due to the development of science and technology in the field of medicine, infertility hasbeen solved by the discovery of one of the most sophisticated ART program, known as IVF. Although thisprocedure has been carried out for more than 40 years, the failure rate is still very high. This problem isconsidered to be related with the characteristic of the patient undergoing IVF. This study aims to determinethe association between patient’s multi-characteristics and IVF failure.Method : This research is an observational analytic research with cross-sectional method. The determinationof the research sample uses a total sampling technique by taking all members of the population in accordancewith the conditions.Result : Out of 102 couples undergoing IVF, 37 couples (36,3%) successfully obtained a pregnancy whilethe 65 other couples (63,7%) failed IVF or has not obtained a pregnancy. The result of the p value betweenIVF failure and maternal age is 0,03, with BMI 0,532, with sperm quality 0,577, with PCOS 0,297, withendometriosis 0,578, and with POR 0,027.Conclusion : Out of all the studied patient characteristics, only maternal age and POR are associated withIVF failure with the p value of 0,03 and 0,027 respectively. BMI, sperm quality, PCOS, and endometriosisdo not show a significant correlation with IVF failure.

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