
Aim:To determine General anthropometric data and dental caries and their association of paternal Individual Deprivation Measure among 12- to 15-year-old school going children in Tiruvallur District.Methods and Material:The Anthropometric data such as Body mass index, Skin fold thickness and mid arm circumference was assessed. The study was also conducted to assess children's paternal deprivation using individual deprivation index (IDM). Paternal deprivation was calculated using Individual deprivation index which comprises of 15 dimensions. Pilot study was done to calculate sample size which is found to be 800.Results:Dimension of paternal individual deprivation measure in parent Education, Housing, toileting, family planning, problem in visiting doctor between Government and Private School children was significant with P value of 0.0005. Interpretation of Paternal individual deprivation measure was found to be significant among Government and private school children. There was no association of individual deprivation measure with dental caries, but there was an association of Individual paternal deprivation measure with one of the anthropometric measure was mid arm circumference. In paternal deprivation index 21.8% of the children's parent were not deprived, 45.8% were somewhat deprived, 22.6% were deprived, 7.3% were very deprived, 2.6 were extremely deprived among school children.

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