
The patient C.O.R., who was 54 years old, male, and white, went to the oral diagnosis department for evaluation of swelling in the mental zone with recent development and painful symptomatology of lower incisors. Clinical examination revealed expansive process intra- and extraoral in the mental zone, which was normochromic and covered by normal skin and mucosa. Image examinations revealed extensive radiolucent lesion in the mental zone with perforation of cortical bone, resorption of dental roots, and pathologic fracture of the mandible. An incisional biopsy was performed, and the sample was sent for histopathologic examination. The report confirmed the initial hypothesis of ameloblastoma. A marsupialization was made with maintenance of a shutter for reduction of cystic component and basilar recovery. After 8 months, the patient was referred for resection surgery with basilar preservation, which decreases morbidity and sequels and facilitates his rehabilitation. The follow-up will last 5 years to monitor a possible relapse. Currently, he is under treatment for prosthetic rehabilitation.

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