
An experiment consisting of twenty-one maize hybrids was conducted during kharif 2012 at Oilseeds Research Farm, Kalyanpur, Kanpur. Each genotype was sown in two rows each of 4 meter long spaced at 60x25 cm between rows and plants respectively in a randomized complete block design in three replications. The observations were recorded on five randomly selected plants for chlorophyll intensity at 30 and 60 DAS, Proline content (mm) at 60 DAS, Dry weight/plant at the intervals of 30, 60 and 90 DAS, cob weight per plant (g) and protein content. The statistical and biometrical analysis was carried out using standard formula. The results showed high heritability coupled with high genetic advance for total dry weight at maturity followed by cob yield per plant, dry weight at 60 DAS and proline content at 60 DAS reflecting the role of additive gene action. High heritability and low genetic advance was observed for chlorophyll intensity at 30 and 60 DAS and plant dry weight at 30 DAS indicating the presence of both additive and non-additive genes for controlling the characters. Cob yield per plant showed positive and significant correlation with plant dry weight at maturity. Its association with plant dry weight at 60 DAS was negatively significant.

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