
Prior epidemiological studies and comparative analyses of correlations between abdominal obesity and dyslipidemia have been limited to obese participants but few data are available for the non-obese adults of this study population. This study examined the associations between atherogenic and obesity indices among non-obese adults of Samaru, a suburb of Zaria in Kaduna state, Nigeria. The study protocol was duly approved by the Ethical committee of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Shika, Zaria. This cross sectional study examined a total of 174 non obese adults, 35 to 70 years of age (male, 91; female, 83) who were randomly selected for the study. All subjects were normotensive and not on any lipid lowering medications. Normal-weight body mass index (BMI) of 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2 and overweight BMI ≤ 27 kg/m2 was considered in the study. Descriptive statistics and Partial correlation were used to determine the relationship between atherogenic and obesity indices, after controlling for age. Results showed significant (p ≤0.05) relationships between Log (TG/HDL) and waist-hip ratio (0.0001*) as well as waist-height ratio (0.003*), waist circumference (0.013*) and body mass index (BMI) (0.041*) in males but not in females. Waist-hip ratio was the most important and consistent index of adiposity that associated with the atherogenic index [Log (TG/HDL)] in male and no relationship was shown in female non obese adult group. This could be an indication that the distribution of fat deposits in non- obese men may be a better predictor of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic abnormalities and frequent macrovascular complications than the degree of obesity alone and might be at higher risk than women. The strong correlations of Log (TG/HDL) with abdominal fatness compared to other atherogenic indices that is, (TC/HDL and LDL/HDL) in this study has confirmed the statistical reliability of Log (TG/HDL) as a tool in the assessment of cardiovascular risk factors among non- obese adults. Key words: Non-obese adults, atherogenic index, waist-hip ratio, Zaria.

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